
Tuesday, February 14, 2006


So the veep shoots some guy and waits almost a full day to report it.

Isn't that what his crowd are always getting on Teddy Kennedy about?

Just sayin'.

Also? Al's been bird huntin' a time or three. You maintain a safe field of fire in front of you, which is an arc of well under 180 degrees, so that you don't shoot your fellow hunters, who, if following routine safety procedures, will be walking in a row alongside you. (And you keep your muzzle up at least 30 to 45 degrees, not only because that's where the birds are but also because you don't want to shoot your own hunting dog.)

If, in trying to shoot, you pivot outside that safe field of fire, you don't shoot. Period. Not even if Bambi's 12-point daddy suddenly materializes a foot away. (Of course, shooting a buck with birdshot would just piss him off.)

The veep was criminally negligent, and if it had been Bill Clinton, he'd be in jail.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Illness in the house 

Firstborn, currently suffering from flu and (possibly) strep throat: "I'm burning up and I'm really cold and my shoulder hurts and I feel like there's blood coming from my teeth."

Rare political post 

I neither need nor intended for this blog to be political, but fuck me dead, have you looked at this country lately?

OK, I just had to get all that off my chest. Thanks.

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