
Thursday, July 10, 2003


Hello and welcome to Coffee Cups. I'm J. Alfred Prufrock, but, as the great and wise philosopher Paul Simon once said, you can call me Al.

I've blogged for years under my real name and others, at other sites, alone and as part of a team. But because of a variety of factors -- what I do for a living, how much I value my relationships, even simple politeness -- none of these blogs has been real, unadulterated me. This one will be. I hope you like it, but -- no offense -- I'm not doing it for you.

I'm a guy in early middle age, married with kids, in middle management in a medium-sized American city. My youth was quite a bit more interesting than that, including stints in the performing arts and time lived in New York. I don't mourn my lost youth; I just recall it with great fondness even as I realize, as most people do at about this age, that some things I once wanted to do I will never get to do. That's life.

My job is less creative than I'd like it to be, but the hours are civilized. So I get to spend time with my kids, and my wife can pursue her graduate studies while working full-time. Life's full of trade-offs.

From my mid-teens to about my mid-20s I was bipolar, although I didn't know that at the time. In my mid-30s I became depressed to the point of being suicidal, although several more years went by before it was properly diagnosed and six more months after that before I found the right combination of medications to get it under control. I'll be on some kind of medication the rest of my life, but I'm OK with that. Two of my sibs have type 1 diabetes and will be on insulin the rest of their lives, and this is much easier to deal with.

Besides computers and blogging, my interests and hobbies include tennis, volleyball, dirt bikes, water-skiing and photography. Not that I get to do all those things, you understand -- at least, not since the kids came along. Again, I'm not complaining, and as the kids get older and a bit more autonomous I expect I'll get more time for the other stuff ... and will probably miss the time when I was the center of my kids' worlds.

Anyway, I guess that's enough to start. Questions? Comments? Leave a comment or send an e-mail.


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